
"The thistle is a prickly flower, aye, but how it is sweetly worn."

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate

That's the question in our household this week anyway. Thanks to an old friend, I was put in contact with someone who is anti-vaccination allowing us to get the other side of the story. He told me about this natural doctor, Dr. Tenpenny, whose video we watched this evening to begin thinking through this process. There's a lot of information out there and even more money in books we could spend. We are not sure yet where we are in this process as far as long term is concerned. We don't think we will be vaccinating Jude at two months though. At most, we will chose one vaccine to administer. The question becomes which vaccine, if any, is important for Jude's health and well being currently. Michael is completely anti-vaccine. I'm leaning toward administering DTp only simply because it has been around for years and actually involves things Jude might actually come in to contact with. Currently praying about this decision and attempting to devour any and all available information. I don't normally ask for feedback from readers. However, this issue is important to me and I would love to know what you think or have experienced in regards to this. Prayers are also coveted as we try to make the best decision for our family.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Hi Ashley. I don't know you, but I know your Mom. She passed on your blog to me to show off her sweet grandson, and I must say he is one precious baby! I thought I would comment on this post because it is a topic that I feel strongly about. These are a few websites that I would recommend:

Stephanie Cave's delay vaccination schedule:

Perhaps you've already seen these sites, if not, I hope they help you make a more informed decision.

I will be praying that God will guide your decision and you will have peace in the process.

Abby M.