
"The thistle is a prickly flower, aye, but how it is sweetly worn."

Sunday, April 28, 2024

On Loving Your Weaker Brother (or sister)

Recently I have been reflecting on the state of the modern church. That’s a loaded statement because there is just So much to say on that topic. However I have been specifically thinking on the trend changes in drinking I have seen in my lifetime. 

As a kid growing up in the 90s in evangelical circles, alcohol was considered completely forbidden.  As a teen, this didn’t make sense to me because it is clear the Bible never said that.  It was Pharisaical to me to create an extreme rule where one didn’t exist.  Christianity tends to operate between poles of antinomianism and legalism.  This was the legalistic pole.

As I went on to college in the early 2000s the trend shifted.  I found myself in evangelical circles where people would have A drink casually with friends.  This was the beginning of the craft beer trend, so emphasis seemed more on appreciation.  This was the time of CS Lewis discussions and truly enjoying a drink with friends.  This was a beautiful and freeing thing for me to see.  

But sometime starting in 2015 (ish) the trend has drifted to “cool Christian’s” drinking at any time of the day, and not just this well crafted beer, but liquor.  Liquor at all times of the day while our children are running around.  It’s not about enjoyment of Gods gifts but about total consumption.  The trend has shifted to flaunting and relishing our freedom.  This is beginning to border on antinomianism.  

At first I just noticed this from a curiosity perspective, but as I have begun to see the effect of this on a handful of friends, I just wanted to raise a call to Christian Charity that I think is lacking.


At this point in my late 30s, I know people who actually struggle with alcohol.  They struggle with turning down the drink.  They struggle with not turning one drink in to many drinks.  I Know these people are in our churches. And I’ve heard how hard it is to be invited to hang out with Christian brothers and sisters when they Know there will be alcohol there.  This becomes increasingly difficult because liquor has become so common too.  

Guys we have got to start using our freedom wisely.  Not everyone you meet at church has the same story and can hang the same way.  Paul made it very clear that our freedom in Christ should never become a stumbling block for a fellow believer.  I am just asking all Christians to really consider how and with whom they drink.  Don’t drink with Christian’s when you don’t know their life story or past relationship with alcohol.  It is so hard for those who struggle with this to find themselves in these situations.  For the sake of Charity, be careful who you drink with.



Collin and Marisa said...

Great article. I've experienced the same as you have. I was somewhat surprised as I entered adulthood over 2 decades ago watching friends use their "freedom" to do things that we used to say was wrong or unwise. Then enter motherhood, which many weren't for prepared for and advice and suggestions aren't always good ones. This is definitely something that should be discussed more openly. Let's discuss adding it to it to our Wednesday night topics.

ThistleAshD said...

I agree discussing this on Wednesday could be good. I learn so much from listening to everyone!