
"The thistle is a prickly flower, aye, but how it is sweetly worn."

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Big Boy Bed

Hey Jude,

This week you learned to crawl out of your crib.  As unexpected as it was for me, I was proud of you.  Some days, I do miss the little baby I had.  However, I am so excited by each new step you take on your own.  I love how you decide when you are ready to do things.  I love that I can trust you to make growing up decisions on your own.  I've been thinking about when we would convert to the toddler bed for months.  I knew you would let me know when you were ready, and you did.  You are growing up so quickly.
You are only a few weeks away from your 2nd birthday.  I've been collecting little bits of things to make a fun big boy room.  I'm excited to get it ready for you, but I'm a little sad to think about the baby who is no mas.  I love you sweet Jude.


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