
"The thistle is a prickly flower, aye, but how it is sweetly worn."

Friday, March 19, 2010

Walkin' Yes Indeed

Now that spring has finally sprung in DFW we are getting to use our fab stroller. It's so nice to get out and enjoy the pleasant weather while it lasts. I'm all too aware that too quickly it will turn to 100+ degree summers. Yuck.Jude really has enjoyed being in the stroller so far. Although, he really just goes to sleep. Still, that must mean he enjoys it enough to relax right off. Nothing else puts him out like our stroller does.
Jude is particularly fond of the wind. We've always known that Jude liked to have his hair blown on. That hasn't changed. The funny thing is that he sticks his tongue out over and over like he's trying to eat the wind or something.
Anyway, we've been enjoying this and its a great way to lose my 10lbs of remaining baby fat.

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