
"The thistle is a prickly flower, aye, but how it is sweetly worn."

Friday, November 6, 2009

Doctor's Visits

This week has been a hectic week of doctor's visits. As you may know, Monday we attempted to go to Jude's 2 week well child visit. Unfortunately, we got there too late and had to reschedule. It wasn't too bad though because Jude had to go to the hospital for a PKU test. In the long run it was probably easier to do one one day and the other later. I try to keep our outings as short as possible.

The PKU test was very heartbreaking because they poke his little foot and smear blood in five circles. Gross and I can't imagine losing that much blood as a little guy. I don't know how long it takes to get those tests back, but I doubt that there is anything wrong. He's eating and growing which would be an issue if he actually had PKU.

Wednesday we went to our well child visit- and drumroll- we made it on time. Hallelujah! Jude's in the 40-55% with everything. I don't know how big of a deal these measurements are or even what the point of them is. Anyway, from my understanding, I guess he's close to average. Michael is thrilled Jude is in the 40% for weight. He's hoping that he will get my metabolism genes.

Today I had a doctor's appointment. As you may recall, I was induced due to high levels of liver enzymes in my blood and something to do with my gallbladder. My doctor has been monitoring these since I got out of the hospital. I had my blood tested last Friday. My enzyme levels are supposed to be at a 40 and they were at a 43. Thus, I had to go back today and get tested again. Hopefully this time they will come back normal. For one thing, I am sick and tired of being pricked. Enough already. For another, liver issues are never a good thing.

After this week, we should be done with doctor visits until Jude's 2 month well child and my six week follow up. Currently praying that I am done with the nasty blood drawing. And of course that I am healthy. However, thankful that Jude is healthy!

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